Notice: Fetching new reports and updating existing reports from the 311 API has been suspended as of 31 January 2022. Hopefully this suspension is temporary.

Notification at 267 275 Hanover St, Boston

  • Notification

  • North End / 02109
  • Opened on:

    BWSC reports public SSO at 269 Hanover Street. States 200 gallons pumped into street. BWSC is on scene, Mass DEP has been notified. Flavio Daveiga (ISD) notified at 2:42pm. | Type of Emergency: [BWSC: Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO)] Location: [267-275Hanover St, Boston, MA, 02113]

  • Closed on:

    Case Closed. Case Noted.

  • 267 275 Hanover St, Boston